Ablaze Collective: Not Named After the Star Trek Borg, But We’ll Take the Compliment!




Let’s clear something up right away—Ablaze Collective is not named after the Borg Collective from Star Trek. Yes, we’ve heard the comparisons (a lot), and we get it. But while we might not be assimilating entire species into a hive mind, there are some things about the Borg that we can't help but admire. And, honestly, it’s kind of cool that people think we give off Borg vibes. So, let’s dive into this fun coincidence!

First Things First: Why Ablaze Collective?

Ablaze Collective was named to symbolize the fire of entrepreneurship and the unstoppable energy that founders, like myself, bring to the table. Inspired by Alanis Morissette's song "Ablaze," which is a love letter to her children, I wanted the name to reflect passion and creativity in a way that’s deeply personal, yet professional. The "collective" part represents the power of community and collaboration. It’s about bringing people together—founders, data scientists, fintech innovators—to build something bigger than any one of us alone.

So, What’s With the Borg Connection?

Yes, we’re called Ablaze Collective and yes, I’ve got strawberry blonde hair, so maybe I do look a bit like the Borg Queen (minus the whole hive mind control thing). As a female founder, I love that comparison! The Borg Queen is a force—calculating, determined, and unstoppable. If someone’s going to compare me to her, I’ll take it as a compliment. After all, she’s the one who controls the most powerful collective in the galaxy, right?

Much like the Borg, we at Ablaze Collective believe in the power of innovation and efficiency. While the Borg strive for perfection through assimilation, we’re all about empowering CPA firms and founders with data-driven insights. Instead of assimilating, we’re liberating businesses from the constraints of hidden data in their cloud accounting systems, giving them the tools to scale and succeed.

The Borg and the Cool Factor

Let’s be honest, the Borg are cool. They have advanced technology, they adapt to every situation, and they’re relentless in their mission (kind of like the entrepreneurial spirit, right?). They represent the future of tech in some ways—machine learning, AI, and even predictive analytics—all things that, in a less sinister way, we deal with at Ablaze Collective.

In our world, we’re building systems that allow CPA firms to automate and visualize their data with the power of cloud-based platforms. Like the Borg, we see the value in bringing together the best of many worlds—in our case, tech, data, and human insight—to create something better. Just think of us as the good Borg. We’re here to empower, not take over.

The Real Mission of Ablaze Collective

At the end of the day, Ablaze Collective isn’t about assimilation—it’s about collaboration. We’re creating a space where founders and firms can thrive, supported by cutting-edge data mining technology that illuminates what’s hidden in their financial systems. We may not have a hive mind, but we do believe in the collective power of shared knowledge, innovation, and growth.

So while we didn’t name ourselves after the Borg, if you want to picture me as the Borg Queen (complete with strawberry blonde hair), go right ahead. Just know that instead of assimilating you, I’m here to set your business on fire—in the best way possible.

Resistance is Futile… But Empowerment is Inevitable. Whatever that means.

With fiery ambition,
Jessica Kentch
Founding Partner, Ablaze Collective
(Your Friendly Neighbourhood Borg Queen) 👑


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